Sunday, December 26, 2010

so it begins...

    owl creek


Well, I never thought I would be a blogger, in fact I rather hate the term....  So I think I will say that I am just jumping on the bandwagon to see where it takes me..  I am definitely ready for a change, and this might just be the impetus I need to get my ass painting again.

I have a 3 year old daughter and a 14 month old son, and unfortunately have not been able to do much painting since the latter was born.  Oh, and I also moved 3 times in the last year and a half.  That also might be a factor.  Or I might just be lazy...  Whatever the case, the time is now to change this pattern of unproductivity.  About half of the house is put away (HA maybe not), and my husband will probably leave me if I yell at him for no reason yet again.  Which is what happens when I don't paint.  I get a wee bit cranky.

I started this a painting a day thing before I was pregnant with my son (I called it a painting while the baby sleeps) and it worked out extremely well.  I actually did do a painting a day.  Or a painting every few days- but I was painting every day, which is the important thing.  And then the shit hit the fan and everything sort of fell apart for a bit, but now the pieces have been mostly picked up and I am ready to go again...

So until I get organized, I will post my OTHER painting a day paintings, for your viewing pleasure.......


  1. Moved? Three times??? Where are you guys?

  2. we are finally back home.. we did a major renovation and were out of the house for over a year and a half. but while out, we had to vacate rental #1 and go to rental #2 for the summer. but now we are back. ahhhhh

    you guys have to come over. the end.
